Ariel Atom 3.5R vs Caterham 620R

How much would you pay to drive all of Jay Leno’s cars with him?

up to $100
up to $300
up to $500
up to $1,000
over $5,000
Nothing - not interested
up to $100
up to $300
up to $500
up to $1,000
over $5,000
Nothing - not interested

Which concept car that never made production has the best design?

BMW M1 Concept
Ford GT90 Concept
Ford Shelby GR-1 Concept
Cadillac Sixteen Concept
BMW M1 Concept
Ford GT90 Concept
Ford Shelby GR-1 Concept
Cadillac Sixteen Concept

Check out classic shootout between the mega Caterham 620R against the epic Ariel Atom 3.5R! But who will win?

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